Cognac VSOP Petite Cigüe Fanny Fougerat, Cognac d'Auteur - Cru 100% Fins Bois
Fruity, luscious and tangy, Petite Cigüe is a generous Cognac.
It is a Cognac to be savoured wholeheartedly, for a moment of shared pleasure.
Cognac VSOP Petite Cigüe Fanny Fougerat
Very pretty bottom of the range.
Very pure, fresh and easy to approach despite of his young age, very surprising because very aromatic and pleasant.
TASTING ADVICE: On the rock or in cocktail, this cognac is easy, simple, very singular and unusual
for a young cognac.
ASPECT: Clear and natural tone.
NOSE: Very pleasant with fruity notes, fresh cereal, abricot, almonds. Do not seem like a classical cognac.
MOUTH: Well balanced with roundness and strength.