Distillerie Rémy Piron

The Distillerie Rémy Piron has been a partner of the wine industry and the trade in Grande Champagne since 1951.

Distillerie Rémy Piron

Founded in 1951, the Rémy Piron Distillery is established on more than 110 hectares exclusively in Grande Champagne.

The delicate distillation process has been their core business for 70 years. It is therefore natural that this know-how has been put at the service of their cognac.

The cognacs are distilled in Charentais stills to reveal all their richness and aromatic delicacy.

Then, in the shade of the cellars located in Angeac-Champagne, the eaux-de-vie mature for years in French oak barrels, always with great care in order to obtain the best alchemy between the air, the wood and the eaux-de-vie.

"Découverte Perpétuelle" illustrates this long time and this know-how!

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