
"The Cognac of Vikings"

Cognac Larsen

The LARSEN company was founded in 1926 by Jens Reidar Larsen, a young Norwegian from Tromsoe born in Kristiansand in 1895, who had recently moved to the small town of Cognac after arriving in Bordeaux in 1919.

Charmed by the inimitable atmosphere of this sub-prefecture of Charente, he quickly fell in love with the refinement of its famous brandy, to which this small town had given its name.

He had two children, the eldest of whom, Jean, took over the family business in the 1960s and made the brand prosper all over the world.

Already, the third generation, Frédéric, Nicolas and Anne, have taken the reins of the family business to make the Larsen brand and its "Drakkar" logo the symbol of an art of living rooted in an ancestral land.

It is also important to underline the authentic family character of Larsen "Le Cognac des Vikings" S.A. whose entire capital remains the property of the family members. It is obvious that this situation guarantees the maintenance of a tradition handed down from generation to generation, as are the oldest eaux-de-vie from the "Paradis" cellar of the Larsen company.

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